Despite the upset, life does go on and I had three days booked in the big smoke for my Beloved as a Christmas present.

‘What do you want for Christmas?’ is the annual cry – we try not to buy stuff anymore – ‘I’d like to see some opera’ is the response!!

Okay then opera – now its not really for me I have found – love the big numbers that get played on the radio – but opera is a bit like children – I couldn’t eat a whole one!

I have seen some Verdi/Puccini type stuff. I can appreciate the talent, but I’m kind of expecting a bit more visuals if I’m honest – a few more scene changes, maybe a helicopter stage left or a falling chandelier – West Endy type effects – Opera tends to be a bit static in that department. I know I’m a pleb what can you do?!

Okay then back to the point – opera – where would one take someone who wants to see opera if one were wanting to spoil them? I know Covent Garden? Not without a second mortgage as it turns out – big bucks – not that I would begrudge my Beloved (he is worth it) but because I haven’t got that kind of money to spend on fun nights out. If their prices are that high to keep us commoners out – it works!

However, it turns out that the English National Opera (ENO) keep their prices low, sing their operas in English and also have subtitles (some of those high notes are not easily comprehensible) Their plan is to make opera accessible to all – including me – so two of your almost best seats in the house please to see Wagner’s The Rhinegold.

(Okay I can hear you fellow Pagans giggling and seeing through my cunning plan – yes I may have had a bit of a vested interest but I swear down this was for my Beloved and if I earn a few brownie points with the All Father at the same time – win/win!)

Almost three hours and no interval but entertaining enough to keep me awake. The theatre was beautiful, and the experience was of ‘making memories’ standard. The sound engineer, YES THE ENO SOUND ENGINEER, who was posted in a box behind us, saw us taking selfies and came out to take a photo for us – how cool is that! (not during the performance obviously!)

Now then, when in Londinium you have to make the most of the trip and remember this is my Beloved’s Chrimbo treat so …. next stop The Tate Modern! The Story of Cezanne to be precise of whom my Beloved is a bit of a fan. In the words of the Tate:

Focusing on the many tensions and contradictions in Cezanne’s work, this exhibition seeks to understand the artist in his own context, as an ambitious young painter proudly from the Mediterranean South, yet eager to make it in metropolitan Paris. Featuring many works shown for the first time in the UK, the show will follow his struggle between seeking official recognition and joining the emerging impressionists before relentlessly pursuing his own unique language. We will witness an artist wrestling with what it means to be a modern painter while remaining deeply sceptical about the world he lived in, from political unrest to a continually accelerating way of life.

Some gorgeous paintings – his still life work is sublime – apples you want to prod. The portraits of his family were rather nice too – tender and personal. I wasn’t fussed about the landscapes, but I appreciate the overall skill.

Afterward we had a wander around the building – previously a power plant, so a big architectural presence. I had my photo taken by a sixth former out on a day trip because he loved my pink hair – I’m going into his portfolio apparently, so I was obviously being visually stunning myself on that day!

Pink hair!! I hear you say – but I thought it was orange – reference previous blogs – well keep up bucko – colours may vary!

There is of course, more to this tale but that will be for another day/blog – in the meantime have a look at some photos of London!

Okay then – the usual links:

The English National Opera

The Tate Modern – info on Cezanne exhibition:

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